Prof.Honnell did his BS,MS and PhD from Georgia Tech and has been at Auburn University since 1958. He has weathered the two World Wars, the Great Depression and the Cold War. He is 96 years 'young' and used to handle a graduate course (Electromagnetic Compatibility) until 4 years ago. He is at his desk by 8AM and works on most weekdays. He walks erect, has perfect vision, speech and hearing capabilities. But what stands out is his devotion to work and keeping himself updated about the trends in Satellite Communication and Televison. Prof.Honnell helped pioneer the initial developments in Television(Instrumentation) for Space Communications during the heydays of NASA from the 50s to the 70s. He is an IEEE Fellow and a Distinguished Faculty at Auburn.
When I asked him what was the secret of his health, he said he gave up eating meat about 75 years ago, doesn't smoke or drink. According to him, people either eat/drink/smoke themselves to death! Limited food, some amount of exercise and keeping oneself busy daily has kept him healthy and fit even at this age ! I salute you Prof.Honnell. I hope you complete a century and still keep batting !
Inspiring!I Salute Prof.Honnell!
and prathapa! I miss ur old Template too much!....:-)
wow really nice article pratapa!
According to him, people either eat/drink/smoke themselves to death!
One man speaking from actual experience! 3 cheers to Prof. Honnel! :-)
Gangadhar : Thanks. The pleasure is mine.
Kishan : I somehow used to find it a bit too much stress on the eyes with a black background ... Anyway, I'll revert to it or something else at a later stage. :-)
Sanjay: Yeah. Most of us dont drink or smoke, but we defintely stuff ourselves. He says he gave up second helpings decades ago! How many of us can stop ourselves from a second helping of Gasagase payasa or obbaTTu ?;-) according to my father, we should always stop eating at a point when we feel like eating a little more ...Not something which I've been able to actually follow !
Hi Pratap,
I think the Prof. has got the secret spot on...giving up meat, avoiding smoking and drinking!
Now to practice what he has said...wish me luck!
Hehehe.. All the Best to you Ravi !
An inspiring post indeed.
I will read rest of the posts soon.
PS: Thanks for the link to Majavani
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