Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Back ... and still not kicking

I came back to the US on 15th night after a month long vacation in India. I was not in the least prepared for the severe bout of homesickness that was going to hit me and the jet lag which lasted for almost 4-5 days ! Whew...

Just settling down now... One work of advice to Desi grads here - DO NOT go to India for vacation in the middle of your courses... You will feel like running away when you come back!

More later.


Kishan said...

How unfortunate that we couldnt met up. Our Houses are a couple of miles (or probably less), and we didnt meet.
Now hen we are thousands of miles apart, we talk to each other through these blogs....*ashamed*
My mistake, sorry da!


Unknown said...

Le Kishan... Me too guruji.. After I called you saying that I'll meet you that weekend, I suddenly decided to go to Sringeri, HoranaDu, etc ... and got busy after coming back :(

I really wanted to come and see your 'awesomely' made bedroom ;-) .. Missed that too ...

Footsteps said...

It's not only US.. its the same everywhere.. yes even Hyderabad..lolz..

I could kick myself for not having thought abt that!! next time.. surely will ask him to fund for all the fines i incur..:))

In the meanwhile, u could do some brainwashing...:)